We have had our first sale on my etsy store. I recently put some items on clearance on my lil' shop and have gotten a bit more traffic along with my Christmas themed burp rags. I guess it takes getting your holiday gear up to get traffic, also getting labeling correct. I'm still trying to get the hang of it all. Putting the right kinds of tags on my products I think has been the hardest thing for me.
But yes we had our first sale this last Thursday. Someone actually bought something from my shop! It seems crazy for some reason but then again isn't that the goal to sell things? Not just have etsy be a site you check every time you get on your computer?
It was the most excited I've been in a while and I hope they enjoy the burp rags I made. I really enjoy the burp rags because of they're size. It seems that a lot of other burp cloth shops do a small version with chenille fabric on the bottom, though they are really awesome, I just don't see how this little thing will do you any good if you've got a projectile vomit baby. For the sake of mom's clothing is another reason I make the bigger burp rags.
Cooking this week has been a na-da...I'm in serious need to clean my kitchen yet again but no energy to do it. Which is bad when I cook every meal we have. Dishes just pile up more and more.
But today's project will be making some sandwich bread. We've eaten a lot of sandwiches lately and my bread supply is very tiny now. So, I found a recipe for Classic Sandwich Bread and I'll be trying that out today. Most of the bread recipes I've tried end up being too dry and crumbly. It's hard to eat a sandwich made out of bread that crumbles everywhere. I'll tell you how it goes next time I blog.
Happy November, everyone! Just that much closer to Thanksgiving! So excited, its the one holiday that's totally great because it's all about food.